There’s often an expectation that filing for divorce will create a new sense of freedom. The stresses, complications, and worry about your dissolving relationship with your ex are in the rearview mirror. While everyone knows the legal process takes time and has its own frustrating elements, many divorcing couples are still caught off guard by the restrictions or limitations a divorce might put on their daily life as it plays out.
Just as marriage influences most household financial and parenting decisions, so does divorce.
Three issues that will affect daily life during divorce include:
- Health insurance
- Travel with children
- Household expenses
Divorce and health insurance
If both partners in the marriage are on the same health insurance plan, it’s likely that you’ll need to keep that coverage until the divorce is final. Every employer has slightly different rules, but most require a life change before updating your information with HR. Paying for your soon-to-be ex-spouse’s insurance is money out of your paycheck.
Divorce and traveling with your children
Your divorce settlement will cover parenting plans, custody arrangements and more. In the meantime, state law effectively restricts what you can do with your children as the divorce goes through. The intent is to keep parents from fleeing to another state or country where the other parent might meet residency requirements. This also makes routine travel, whether for work, vacation or to visit out-of-state family, much more difficult.
Divorce and household expenses
When you decide to divorce, you’re usually deciding to end cohabitation too. There is an obvious cost as your rent or mortgage payments will have fewer people paying in. When this happens, there are extra costs that come with ending a lease early, paying utilities and purchasing replacement equipment for the house. If your ex-husband leaves with the toaster, you’ll need to buy a new one out of pocket. These items add up.
Preparation eases the transition
For many divorcing couples, the breakup of the relationship offers a chance to start over. It’s a bright spot following a stressful and emotional period. As you prepare for the next chapter of your life, it’s always helpful to be prepared for the challenges that come during that transition.
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